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Shareholders FAQs
  • In which newspaper are company advertisements usually published?

    The widely circulated newspapers selected for the advertisement will be determined at the company's annual general meeting, which is currently designated as the newspapers of information and the world of economics. It should be mentioned that all advertisements are also posted on the company's website and Kadal Bourse website.

  • How can I convert my claims (dividends) into shares?

    This is not possible until the company raises capital from cash and receivables. And if the shareholder is not willing to receive his claims in cash, this amount will be kept with the company until the capital increase.

  • How can I receive my annual dividend?

    Annual dividends are made through banking operations and esteemed shareholders can refer to one of the bank branches across the country announced by the company according to the announced schedule with their original national card and stock exchange code and submit their dividends. To receive.

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