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About Rustin Resin Baher

About Rustin Resin Baher

Members of Rustin Resin Baher Group, after years of work and experience in the field of production of fiberglass products and parts and supply of fiberglass raw materials and unsaturated polyester resins, began their production activities in the form of Rastin Resin Baher Company in 2014.

Members of Rustin Resin Baher Group, after years of work and experience in the field of production of fiberglass products and parts and supply of fiberglass raw materials and unsaturated polyester resins, began their production activities in the form of Rastin Resin Baher Company in 2014. Under these circumstances, the success of manufacturers was possible only by improving the quality and production of a wider range of resins and focusing on the details required by consumers. In the face of this challenge, the company for the first time in the country to upgrade its technical knowledge to hire full-time chemical engineers from abroad with a long production history in the most well-known international manufacturers. These engineers from France and India, by transferring their technical knowledge, enabled the company to produce a variety of products with the latest technology in the world and the most prestigious international standards in the second year of production with a rapid leap. In 2016, Rastin Resin Baher Company, in order to complete its product portfolio, launched glass fiber mat. The policy of this company has always been in the production of high quality products and therefore this company provides the binder it needs from the most well-known companies producing this product in the world, which has caused consumer satisfaction.